Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

A Service Sorority Founded in 1913

Economic Development

Delta Red Pages

The Delta Red Pages, an initiative of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority National Program Planning and Development Committee’s Economic Development Subcommittee, is an interactive, online directory that allows Delta business owners to be spotlighted among one another and allows all of us to #ShopRedBuyBlack!  The Delta Red Pages is more than just a directory; it’s a network of shared resources, direct information exchange, and mutual support.

Through this resource of information, visitors to the Delta Red Pages will be able to access a vast array of products and services from a cadre of experts and professionals.

The Delta Red Pages directory is for information only, and the Sorority does not endorse or have liability for any businesses or services advertised in this directory.  

Click here to visit the Delta Red Pages.


National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Financial Fortitude is a process that will help program participants to set and define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and to put the plan into action. The process serves as a blueprint to address all aspects of personal finances.

The Financial Fortitude initiative is comprised of ten components and provides a collaboration of information from major economic corporations and other well-known financial institutions. The ten components include: Goal Setting, Financial Planning, Budgeting, Debt Management, Savings & Investments, Retirement Planning, Homeownership, Insurance, Estate Planning, and Entrepreneurship.

The initiative helps members of the Sorority spread financial education throughout their local communities.